
Complex Decongested Therapy for Lymphedema

Complex Decongestive Therapy (CDT) is the current gold standard for the treatment of Lymphedema and Lipedema, as well as the combination condition Lipo-Lymphedema. The combination of Lymph Drainage Therapy, Compression Bandaging, Garments, Exercises and monitored Skin Care are what makes this therapy truly effective. Compression bandages are available on site for purchase/use, as well as we have a custom garment fitter onsite (Robin Devine) to help create the perfect fitting long-term garment, once fluid reduction has been achieved.

There are many details and questions that we have for all patients who are seeking Complex Decongested Therapy, and they are included in our detailed health history form. You may be asked to complete this form prior to booking an appointment, have it reviewed, to ensure that this therapy is safe for you, and you are booked in with the correct therapist.

We have many tools and classes available to help with our lymphedema patients. Whether it is the use of our Pneumatic Compression Pump systems, using Lymphatic Tape, learning about Rebounders and self-Lymph Drainage, we are here to help you.

The very best assessment is the full Intake Consultation with Mapping for new Lymphedema patients.  This in-depth 90 minute appointment consists of a detailed breakdown of how the lymphatic system works, analysis of your complete health history, how your system has been impacted, the many options of treatment, exercises, tools and homecare available to you. Lymph Mapping is a highly trained skill where we are able to map your unique lymphatic movements, and help your system find the most efficient ways to work with your system.  Our centre is a truly unique space with multitudes of options, to help specialize with each patient.

Call to book in with Robin, Lindsey, Dee, or Fiona to help ease your pain and help get your life back!

OTC Compression Socks
Circaid Reduction Kit

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Whichever specific health issue you're currently facing we're happy to offer a consultation.

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Due to unforeseen circumstances, our clinics are now permanently closed.

Please visit the "Our Team" section of our site to see the new work locations for Lymph Drainage, Craniosacral Therapy, Brain Therapy, Reflexology and more!